#Free estimate
Distribution Multi-Mat

Optimize your production with comfort !

For more than 20 years, Distribution Multi-Mat has specialized in the distribution and installation of specialized rubber mats and mattresses. In addition to a large selection of high quality products, you will find an expert installation team and a partner dedicated to your satisfaction!

# Find the right coating quickly !


Distribution and installation of a complete
range of products with carpets, animal mattresses
and hygienic feeders.



Find the solution for better health and
more safety, comfort and productivity
in your workplace.


The specialist in animal comfort!

  • Testimonials

    «We find that animals have great confidence walking on the ground, as they often stop running, jumping and fighting each other.» Einar Ostmo (Norwegian Tomb Agricultural School)
  • Testimonials

    «Nous constatons que les animaux ont une grande confiance de marche sur le sol , car ils arrêtent souvent de courir, de sauter et de se battre les uns les autres.» Einar Ostmo (école agricole de la tombe de Norvège)
  • Testimonials

    "Hock wounds are almost non-existent with more cows lying down for longer periods of time." Matt Bland (Lancashire, Royaume-Uni)
  • Testimonials

    "Les plaies de jarret sont presque inexistantes avec plus de vaches couchées pour de plus longues périodes ." Matt Bland (Lancashire, Royaume-Uni)

Discover our
agricultural division

Our mission is to provide animals with a healthier environment so that they can enjoy better health. The result is simple, more efficiency!

Ready to start your project? Click here
DISCOVER all the benefits and benefits of carpets!
#Free estimate